Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Why the Linux World is Geeky

Tux on Laptop
CC BY-NC-SA occ4m

I am sitting in a class room on my holiday and getting taught about LPI1. Most of the time we read man pages. And there you see how crazy software engineers are. Little example?

man date
%p – locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM; blank if not known
%P – like %p, but lower case

Really, the big letter P is used to lowercase the output of the little letter p…

mv to rename a file

less is more than more

nl add line numbers to all lines

kill can not kill zombies.
The are already dead. Just like in real life…

But of course, for “normal” users – aka Windows Switchers – this all does not really matter.