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Nokia to buy Trolltech


I’ve just heard that Nokia is going to buy Trolltech, makers of the C++-Framework QT. Details of the deal here.
This acquisition comes days after the Sun announcement of buying MySQL, the company behind the highly popular Open Source database.

Both deals are of a big value for the Open Source community. Trolltech has issued a statement (PDF), speaking about the continuation of supporting KDE and other Open Source projects using QT.

We will continue to actively develop Qt and Qtopia. We also want to underline that we will continue to support the open source community by continuing to release these technologies under the GPL.

They are also looking for input from the community:

This acquisition is still in a very early stage and as such we do not yet have all of the answers. In the coming weeks, Nokia and Trolltech employees will form a working group to identify ways of further improving our relationship with the open source community.
We would appreciate your comments and ideas on how to achieve this at

One thought on “Nokia to buy Trolltech

  1. wow! but it’s kind of obvious considering googles android. They had to do something. And nokia already has a few open source devices (e.g. N800) so the integration of the QTOPIA desktop stack should be feasible… somehow…

    hope they play nice with ‘us’…

    however, KDE 4.0 on my mobile! 😉

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