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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

First “Commercial” Creative Commons Licensed Music Album Released

This is big! Danish singer and songwriter Tone released the first music album under the Creative Commons License as well as a “CD to buy”. The Creative Commons blog posted about it two days ago and I had to download and listen to the album (it isn’t my type of music ;-), but it sure will find a place on my iPod). The album can be downloaded here and you are free to donate.

Today marks the release of Small Arm of Sea, the debut album by female indietronica singer, songwriter and producer Tone (Sofie Nielsen). While the album itself is unique in its style and substance, seamlessly combining abstract electronic composition techniques with a clear pop sensibility, it is equally as intriguing in terms of distribution. Small Arm of Sea is available both in stores (on both combined CD/DVD w/ visuals or vinyl) and online (for free, non-DRM download), with physical copies containing the text “Copy this album for your friends, please!“.

The BY-NC-ND licensed work allows you
* to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
if you
* Attribution. You must give the original author credit. (BY)
* Non-Commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. (NC)
* No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. (ND)

And the echo is fantastic. Google already has over 640 results for “Small Arm of Sea”.

Now it is your turn. License your work such as text, source code, photos, videos, music … as a Creative Commons work and become part of the growing community.