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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Google buys Endoxon


WOW… Just Wow!

How could this happen? And why? And what is and doing in the futur? I know people at all companies. Can you imagine that? You work with Endoxon for years/month, have a good relationship and from one day to another (or even hours) you find out, that your biggest competitor (Google) bought the source you use for your service. That is different than when you directly use stuff from Google (they can turn their APIs off any minute). You think you are on the save side and bought licenses for the data.

If I have an existing contract with Endoxon, what will happen to that?
Endoxon will fulfill all obligations and commitments under its existing contracts.

The clock has already started ticking…

I love Google, the Google employees and their motto: “Don’t be evil”. Is there anything more evil than taking your competitors ground?? I think not.