I needed a quick and dirty PHP photo gallery. So what did I do? I hacked one together very quickly. That was in 2007. Today I have published that little piece of software to GitHub. You can download (ZIP or TAR) MyEasyPhotoGallery from GitHub and use it create a photo gallery in less than 3 […]
Continue ReadingProject Participation Offer: Web Developer in Zurich
For a small start-up I am looking for a skilled web developer. For this project, I seek somebody that is interested in a partnership and gaining shares of the business to start and NOT, somebody that is “just” looking for a single assignment. Required Skills: Graphical know-how for front-end design profound knowledge in various web […]
Continue ReadingNext PHP “Hacking” Script/Shell: w4ck1ng-shell
Well, well… Isn’t that cool? I got my hands on another nice PHP hacking script. This time it is called “w4ck1ng-shell (Private Build v0.3)“. And this has something new: $my_agent = “Defaced”; $user_agent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]; if($user_agent != $my_agent) { $fake_image = “iVBORw0K . . . ggg==”; header(“Content-type: image/png”); die(base64_decode($fake_image)); }else{ }; This will result in […]
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