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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Next PHP “Hacking” Script/Shell: w4ck1ng-shell

Well, well… Isn’t that cool? I got my hands on another nice PHP hacking script. This time it is called “w4ck1ng-shell (Private Build v0.3)“. And this has something new:

$my_agent = "Defaced";
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if($user_agent != $my_agent) {
$fake_image = "iVBORw0K . . . ggg==";
header("Content-type: image/png");
}else{ };

This will result in this nice little picture:

So, the script requires a special user-agent to display the shell itself. Tricky, eh? The rest of the script is straight forward and if you ask nicely and promise to only use it for research/educational use, you can have it.
Oh, and “” should be blocked or hacked. He must have got some nice emails.

If you have other shells, please send them to me. It is always fun to take a look at them.

Update 23:29pm: Do not do a Google Search for “w4ck1ng-shell intitle:”shell@”

10 thoughts on “Next PHP “Hacking” Script/Shell: w4ck1ng-shell

  1. @mantra
    this is not my code. I have nothing to do with it. If you want to use it, it is up to you to make it work, kiddy.

  2. If you checked, that email doesn’t log what you do, but you can enable logging of ftp brute forcing, $log_email is used as a default value for this field (stupid idea i know)

  3. whats the script used for???
    i am sorry i have no idea what that looks like…just know its PHP
    can anyone exlain what its used to do?

  4. The shell was originally c99, the w4ck1ng remake was done by synsta and h3 after which it was stolen by pretty much everyone (g00ns, gny etc).

    So no tw0, it was coded by members. (Or ex members should i say).

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