Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Bluewin Beta Vorschau

Laut Alexa gehört zu den 10 am meisten besuchten Webseiten der Schweiz (Rang 8). Und ist gleichzeitig die beliebteste, von einer Schweizer Firma betriebene. Nun hat sich die Swisscom entschieden, das gesamte Design von Bluewin zu aktualisieren und ihr einen frischeren Look zu verpassen. Gleichzeitig sollen möglichst viele Dienste von Swiscom in integriert […]

Continue Reading Exits Beta Phase

Highly controversial video and download service has just informed its beta testers about their official public launch in 7 days. Read the full email below. What is interesting to note with this launch is the fact, that will only offer a limited amount of accounts. See the following screenshot. And the accounts are […]

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Clicker Invites – Get Them Here

Clicker is a new way to watch your favorite TV-shows on the Internet. Instead of surfing from to and to, clicker allows you to view all the shows in one nice interface. To bad its once again limited to the US audience and viewers. So if you are looking for an easy […]

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