Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Do undergraduates want a career in IT? (UK Study)

I love studies. Especially such from foreign countries. They always offer ways to see “over the edge”. A new study from CRAC (Career Development Organistation) about “the attitudes of current UK undergraduates in relation to careers and work in the IT sector”. They have researched in which fields undergraduates in the United Kingdom want to […]

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German Users Tested on their Computer Knowledge

German Technology magazine heise reports about a study from DLGI about the general computer knowledge of German users. 56 percent said they have “satisfactory” or “good” knowledge. The other 44 said they never used a computer (sic!). The funny part is, most of the questioned people understand under “computer knowledge” the “use of a browser”. […]

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