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Google Android Market Launches Stats

Finally! After tracking everything manually, Google has launched a statistics page for Android developers using the Android Market.

Below you can see some screenshots from TV.Centerr with all the available details.

Accumulated installs

Operating Systems/Android Versions


The data of this page is scheduled to update once everyday.
Accumulated installs are counted daily as the number of devices with this application in installed state.
Only top 10 values for each attribute are provided in the attributes breakdown table. If less than 10 values are displayed in the table, that means this application install coverage is less than 10 different variations for that attribute.
Attribute values with shares less than 3% are aggregated into “Others” in the pie-chart for visual clarity.
Market reference data is provided as a courtesy. The reference data represents aggregation numbers over all applications in Market. The data of the “Device” attribute is sensitive, thus omitted.
Each attribute breakdown might be inaccurate for various reasons. For example, many user-built Android versions don’t sent checkin message complying with the standard, which causes device attributes unrecognizable.

Now I am happier. Next they have to more regularly update the download/install counter. And fix the comment system (I as a developer want to response to feedback).

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