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Wasted Hours with Lost (Mathematically)

The highly popular and irritating ABC hit TV series “LOST” will come to an end after the sixth season (currently airing on US television).
Now we just calculated how many hours you have wasted, if the series’ end sucks. And there is a little chance that it will.

So 6 seasons with 22 episodes each: 132 episodes total. Each episode runs 45 minutes, with the interruptions they run 1h. Just watching the episode you have wasted 132 hours. But if you have ever seen Lost, you know that you need at least double as much time to talk and reflect about an episode. Sums up to 264 hours. 264 hours wasted watching and thinking about a fictional story. Now let’s put that in contrast to a normal life.
80 years equals to 700’800 hours. Half of that time we are asleep: 350’400 hours awake.

Out of our awake time, we spend 0.07% watching Lost.
Even if the end of Lost sucks, our loss is little.

3 thoughts on “Wasted Hours with Lost (Mathematically)

  1. Pingback: Corsin Camichel
  2. Pingback: Boris Baldinger

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