Highly controversial video and download service put.io has just informed its beta testers about their official public launch in 7 days. Read the full email below. What is interesting to note with this launch is the fact, that put.io will only offer a limited amount of accounts. See the following screenshot.
And the accounts are going fast.
Will you set up an account or will you let go of put.io now that the beta testing is over? Post your thoughts in the comments.
We’re slowly coming out of beta right now. It’s time for
Put.io to start standing on it’s three feet.The last 6 months were absolutely amazing. We’ve enjoyed
every minute of it and we’d like to extend our sincere
thanks to you.You have found many bugs, helped us scale the service and
most importantly made Put.io an amazing place to be in.
Now, we would like to invite you to be among our first
customers. And as a token of our appreciation we’re giving
every beta tester who purchases a plan 100G’S OF EXTRA
ACCUMULATED during beta.As always, our capacity is limited due to the projects
intense hardware needs. So you should secure your slot right
now. If you do, we’ll start your subscription from the
official launch date.To purchase please login to Put.io at your earliest
convenience and visit: https://put.io/account/upgradeWHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DO NOTHING?
We’re going to launch officially in 7 DAYS. After that your
account will enter into LIMBO MODE for another 7 DAYS, where
you will still be able to download/stream from put.io to
your computer, but won’t be able to add new files. So you
will still have some time to clear the attic, even if you
don’t decide to stay with us.Sincerely Yours,
Put.io Team
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