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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

What Is The “Semantic Web” And Why We Need It!

This is just a quick introduction and I hope this is understandable for non-techs.
More Information
Firefox Operator Add-On
Video by Manu Sporny (Microformats, Blog)

[via le blog à Ollie]

5 thoughts on “What Is The “Semantic Web” And Why We Need It!

  1. Well, it means giving some sort of additional information to something. In this case it is describing a text.

    <div id=”hcard-Camichel” class=”vcard”>
    <span class=”fn n”>
    <span class=”given-name”>Corsin</span>
    <span class=”family-name”>Camichel</span>
    <div class=”adr”>
    <span class=”locality”>Rapperswil</span>

    This HTML snippet describes a person (me ;-)) with my given-name (= Corsin), family name (= Camichel) and my location (= Rapperswil).
    No you could easily run a parser and export that data as a vCard or other contact information.

  2. It was supposed to be some sort of comical comment, since “meaning” = Bedeutung and “semantics” = Bedeutung. So asking for the meaning of semantics is like asking for the color of a white horse.

    I have a hCard on by the way. used to have a hCard search engine (discontinued) and Firefox 3.0 is supposed to support microformats natively. So I’m really looking forward to that.

    But having microformats right now is like serving your website with application/xhtml+xml. It’s totally cool, but nobody cares.

  3. > color of a white horse
    What a stupid question. White of course!

    Yeah, and Internet Explorer 8 will have microformats built-in (and they are Acid proof ;-). Maybe time to switch back! *runs*

    > It’s totally cool, but nobody cares.
    I care. And more and more people care. I think and really hope semantics will be a big hit in 2008 and later. Makes the life of stealing … mashing up and exchanging data so much easier.

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