Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Random Thoughts IV

  • If it is raining, why does the humidity less than 100%?
  • Dear Google Video, please allow me to FTP my video to you or offer a service to download a video from my website. Fetching would really rock!
  • Hello my name is Corsin and I am a “ICANHASCHEEZBURGER” addicted…
  • Uh.. I just had another great idea for some piece of software to code.
  • If Albert Einstein would still be alive, what things would he discover or invent in our time? Same goes for all the other big inventors of the past. Are there big mysteries to solve?
  • Hey Google! I want a time clock/world clock on Google Maps. I want to know what time it is now in Japan without using another website.