Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Forget Minimum Payout Levels

Text Link Ads
I’ve installed Text Link Ads (TLA) on this blog a week ago. You haven’t noticed? Well, thats because the ads only appear on sites that the clients of TLA want to. And they only are interested in one page on this blog. I don’t mind, they sell it, everything is automated and I get my money.

First I thought: “Cool, $1.33 in 2 days is great. But wait, what is the minimum payout?” Well, I was very surprised when I got an email from PayPal telling me about a $1.33 deposit on my account. Isn’t that awesome? Text Link Ads pays you every month! And you don’t have to worry about a minimum. So go ahead and register and start earning money with this cool service. And for this month I already got $10 in my account!

Be quick and register now and you can get $100 in FREE Links!

2 thoughts on “Forget Minimum Payout Levels

  1. > Do you really need them?
    No. I am making almost no money. My users are way to clever and don’t click on Google AdSense. I just see this as a sort of sandbox, where I can try out new stuff and how they work out.

    Well, if three people write in here they don’t want any ads, I will remove the banner ads and leave the TLA for the rest of the month. Deal?

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