Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Updated FON Service

Yipee! I got my new FON router, “La Fonera”, today and had to install it! What a neat white little device. Everything was included, power (of course), stickers (why not), a CD-ROM (not used yet) and an ethernet cable, a thin one.

The set-up was very easy, plug it in, connect to it, login at and you can define all the parameters and you reset the device. After the boot process the settings are used and you are ready. With “La Fonera” you have 2 SSID. One is the usual FON_(name) and is the public WiFi for the FON Community (Aliens, Linus’ or Bills). The other one is for your private usage. The default setting is set to use WPA for encryption, but you can change it to WEP to use it with PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS or any other “i-dont-support-wpa”-devices.

I have set up a special FON-page on this blog for any visitor as a little information page. And if you are ever in the neighborhood, drop by and enjoy free Wifi 🙂

One thought on “Updated FON Service

  1. Yeah…! Another one who spreads the goods! Welcome to the Community Corsin… If you come to Kreuzlingen, there is another hotspot waiting for you!


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