Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Random Thoughts II

  • Are Swiss people due to neutrality allowed to criticize foreign presidency elections?
  • Isn’t it time to update Google’s Translation service?
  • for:phred stupid video tape was full after 53 minutes… sorry!
  • If the Eurovision Song Contest wants to make a East-European and a West-European semifinal, how close are we to another East-West-Conflict?
  • If you have zero (null, Null, nada, rien) money for advertisement, how do you promote a new product or service?
  • A flight costs 1 EUR. How does this airline make any profit with that passenger?
  • Why do you like fairgrounds more when you are younger?
  • Who gives me a Nintendo Wii console? I will of course put sticker on it.
  • Who buys a PS3 for 899.- CHF if you can have two Xbox360 for 899.- CHF including a game?

3 thoughts on “Random Thoughts II

  1. * I’don’t think so. But there allowed to criticize the Eurovision Song Contest.
    * Didn’t know that this exist. But yupp, they should. It dosn’t look very fancy.
    * What a shame! Hopefully that slides are online soon.
    * C’mon that’s not even football!
    * Make some blogger friends to blog about and call heute (the newspaper). And be fast, other might have the same in the product queue 😉 (and by the way, think about a domain that is easer to remember)
    * They don’t do. But 1 euro might probably better than a empty seat. Not only because they get a 1 euro, the more important part is that they get a (probably new) customer how will (probably) return. It’s all just about advertising.
    * They were just better, weren’t they 😉
    * Do you belive in Santa Clause!
    * Are you serious? This looks just like you get a second controller for free.

  2. for:corsin will you upload it nontheless? I guess my talk was finished after 50 minutes or so and then just the questions are missing?

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