Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Random Thoughts II

Are Swiss people due to neutrality allowed to criticize foreign presidency elections? Isn’t it time to update Google’s Translation service? for:phred stupid video tape was full after 53 minutes… sorry! If the Eurovision Song Contest wants to make a East-European and a West-European semifinal, how close are we to another East-West-Conflict? If you have zero […]

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Microformats – ein Blogstöckchen/a blogstick

Deutscher Teil – English part Via Markus Tressl kommt ein Blogstöckchen von Matthias Pfefferle über das Thema “microformats”. Mehr zu microformats gibts bei Eines vorneweg: ich bin vielleicht leicht voreingenommen. Schreibst du ab und an Produktinfos/Reviews? Ja das tue ich. Hier für meinen Blog und für andere Seiten. Sind dir Microformats (speziell hReview) überhaupt […]

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Pidgin 2.0.0 Released

Finally, the new version of GAIM … ehm… Pidgin is out. The build has the number 2.0.0 and is not much different then GAIM 2.0.0 beta 4. Following a few screenshots with the biggest difference (beside those new, not so nice icons they use) after the jump. Some other news in the AOL vs. GAIM […]

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