Over the weekend I changed the theme of my blog. The reason is, that Firefox somehow is broken and does not display the content at the right position (the navigation was correct, but the content was below the navigation, not right of it). I have seen this on other blogs as well.
I quickly “installed” the K2 theme and a few other plug-ins like the voting plug-in (info), useronline (info) and a “print this” (info). And some of them are already used. Thanks to the first person who rated a post. I hope to see more ratings over the future and maybe I will change my blog behavior and blog more interesting stuff and less “moblogging”. You decide!
2 thoughts on “Changes on this blog”
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Thumbs up!
The blog looks nice and clean (must be, since it says ‘clean air’ I guess)… 😉
hey corsin
Looks better now. I like the new design. Simple an clear.
Interesting stuff is allway good 🙂