From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: What would you like to see most in minix? Summary: small poll for my new operating system Message-ID: <1991Aug25.205708.9541@klaava.Helsinki.FI> Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT Organization: University of Helsinki Hello everybody out there using minix – I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be […]
Continue ReadingNo BarCampEarth in Switzerland – but in Alsace and you are invited
Time was to short to set up a BarCampEarth in Switzerland (yes, Swiss people are slow…) but luckily we have an alternative for all Swiss and German friends: Thanks to Philippe Schoen, everybody can celebrate the first year of BarCamps in Alsace. nanoBarCampAlsace takes place at 3, rue des alisiers 67100 Strasbourg, around 130km from Basel. […]
Continue ReadingWie doof sind Phisher?
(Sorry, German only) Okay, Ich habe gerade eine E-Mail von der “Migrosbank” bekommen. Thunderbird warnt schon:“Diese Nachricht könnte ein Betrugsversuch (Phishing) sein.”Mir egal, durchgelesen und gedacht: ich muss meine nächsten 20 Paswortzusätze eintragen. Der Link zum e-Bankingportal wurde freundlicherweise gleich mitgeschickt (…). Angeglickt und… 404. Jetzt hat dieser Vollidiot (Sorry, Kraftausdruck) den Link falsch geschickt. Zwischen […]
Continue ReadingValleywags "Web 2.Ooh" is exciting
Finally, a close contest! Nick, check out Amanda vs. Rachel, that is close! Details:
Continue ReadingValleywags "Web 2.0ooh" got interesting
Valleywag startet the ladies round of their “Web 2.Ooh fight”. I listened to Tara Hunt at this years mesh con and because she likes the voting so much, I sat down and hacked a little something.In Valleywag’s system, you click the link and see the results. Boring! I wanted chart over time to see how […]
Continue ReadingHow much is a website worth?
GigaOM reports, the web calendar Kiko is selling on eBay for as little as $50’000. On the eBay page, the Kiko shows some Google Analytics stats from July 7 to August 6 and 39’803 visits (33.81% are returning visitors). Stats for Stats for That made me curious. 40’000 visitors and selling for […]
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