Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Zattoo Feature Requests

Zattoo, the first IPTV online video player for TV stations, is now for more than three years on the market and available. In fact, my first blog post about Zattoo “Zattoo – News from the field” is from January 2007. Since that time a lot has changed. The installable software has lost its Linux client […]

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TechCrunch Meet Up Zurich 2008

Update July 18th: My videos are live! Mike is coming! Yes, the TechCrunch Mike. No, not that Mike, but Mike Butcher from TechCrunch UK. Dominik Grolimund from the Swiss Startup wuala (news) has organized the first TechCrunch meetup in Zurich. I am sorry to say that this event is by invitation only, but you can […]

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