Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Le Parfait: Online Wettbewerb

Kreativ, eine “leere” Le Parfait Tube. Diese dient dazu, einfach zu erklären worum es bei der ganzen Kampagne geht: Le Parfait (und damit Nestlé) will online gehen. startet in naher Zukunft. Dabei wird auch ein Wettbewerb gestartet, bei der Konsumenten mitteilen können, wie sie “das Letzte aus einer Tube herausholen”. Kreative Köpfe können sich […]

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You can no longer trust your eyes

Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene from pro on Vimeo. A research group at the University of Washington has demoed their project to enhance videos with photos or to manipulate objects in a video. Especially the last few minutes are very interesting. You can mark some objects you do not want in […]

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Webtuesday July 2008 – Lightning Talks

This month’s Webtuesday was a little special. Instead of one hour long presentation, Tristan Woerth organized “lightning talks“. I’ve managed to “edit” and upload the videos to Viddler (recommended by Hugo Schotman) and they look okay. Maybe I need a HD camera ?? Patrice Neff: Service Oriented Architecture Hugo’s video Harry Fuecks: RESTful Thumbnailing Technique […]

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