Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Do Not Let Idiots Send Emails

Seriously, people that do not know how to correctly send emails to a list of people, should get banned from the Internet! It just happened, that my university has sent out a reminder for a student survey. Okay, I am fine with the fact, that they sent it to my private address. But why on […]

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Spam of the Day: WifiNt Domain Spam

Today in Spam: Hannah from who write to tell me that Robert Jiang wants to register .cn/ and other domain names which are similar to a .com I own. Dear Sir/Madam We are a internet service (software development, website design and development, wifi network works to promote the protection of brands, search engine optimization, […]

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Embed a Counter in Your Spam Messages

I’ve got this email in my inbox – my junk folder to be more precise – today. Notice the counter on the bottom? 987994 people have read this email after 2 and a half hours of sending. Including me. The counter is hosted at a site called “Right Stats” ( It looks like a “real […]

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Corsin’s Naked Video

I just got the most ridiculous email spam ever: Subject: corsin’s naked video Body: Take a look at yourself 🙂 The text is linked to hxtp:// adurl=3D (do not download!) As you can see, the spammers once again are abusing Google and Google AdSense to distribute their links. Hopefully Google will one day close this […]

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