Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Challenge Projekt Zwischenpräsentation

Seit dem Start des Challenge Projekts an der Hochschule für Technik in Rapperswil sind rund 7 Wochen vergangen. Zeit also, einen kurzen Rückblick zu halten und sich vertieft mit den “Gegner” auseinanderzusetzen. Aus diesem Grund fand am 30. Oktober eine Vertiefungsveranstaltung statt. Unsere Präsentation findet sich weiter unter oder auf Dabei tratt auch Andreas […]

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BarCampRapperswil Recap

Last Saturday marked the day for the first BarCamp at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil. In a few words, the BarCamp was much smaller than camps are usually but the quality of presentations and the participants was very high. And the feedback I got so far is very positive. People already are asking […]

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BarCampRapperswil: October 24th 2009

I am very happy to announce that the registration for the next BarCamp in the Zurich area will be on October 24th at the university of applied sciences in Rapperswil (HSR). And starting now you can add your name to the participants list on the BarCamp wiki. Also you like to present something (like a […]

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Mac OS X Samba Printing

This is a short howto for setting up printers at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, HSR) for Mac OS X 10.5/Leopard users. Go to your System Preferences Select “Print & Fax” Click the “Add” button In the new Window select “Advanced” and enter the data according to the screen shot […]

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Dynamo Rapperswil – Go 4 Gold!

Just a friendly reminder to all students in Rapperswil and Switzerland. This year’s Eurobot is happening right now in La Ferté Bertrand, France and our home team, Dynamo Rapperswil is there to win. Below is a video of the Swiss final from May 9th in Yverdon-le-Bains: GOOO DYNAMO! The team currently ranks as third. Live […]

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