Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

HTC Desire “Runs” Quake 3 Arena

Okay, there is actually a little joke in my title ;-). Yes, it is true. You can install and start Quake 3 Arena on your 1GHz powered Android mobile phone. Everything is there, all the settings, all your beloved characters. You can even start a single player level (haven’t tested multiplayer yet) BUT you can […]

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Be A Secret Twitter Santa This Christmas

This must be a first. Swiss web-agencies Liip and frühjahr have created a secret santa “game” for Twitter. Yes, this Christmas you can do a secret santa on Twitter. And it is pretty simple. You just register with your Twitter account and the OAuth protocol and from December 1st until Christmas Eve you can give […]

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Stranglehold – Not Illegal in Switzerland

Today marks the day a Swiss judge (female) has ruled that Stranglehold is “not cruel nor had urged the atrocities depicted”. And the displayed cruelty is not against human dignity. The game itself is a so called “killer game”, but not forbidden by law. This decision marks a landmark for the Swiss gaming industry for […]

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