I was 8th a few minutes before I made the screenshot</posing> Gamlor is also here having a lot of phuns Cross Site Scripting his way up the ladder ;-). Gugelhopf also has some fun I guess :-). She’s my favorite hacking girl this weekend! If you have time you definitely should drop by tomorrow and […]
Continue ReadingBuenzli 17 – I Will Miss It Again
Dear Sceners It’s true: Buenzli 17 is starting this Friday, 15th of August 2008 at 17.00h! You can get all the information at http://www.buenz.li – and it would be great to see you there. We want to try to create a massive chscene-reactivation once again. Plenty of oldschool sceners from Switzerland already confirmed to show […]
Continue ReadingTechCrunch Zurich Meetup – The Recap
After the videos comes the recap. I think it was a great idea to invite Mike Butcher from TechCrunch UK to Switzerland and make it a semi-public event. That gave a stage to many startups. Some used it, others didn’t. We really should now think about doing more events like that, but in a more […]
Continue ReadingTechCrunch Meet Up Zurich 2008
Update July 18th: My videos are live! Mike is coming! Yes, the TechCrunch Mike. No, not that Mike, but Mike Butcher from TechCrunch UK. Dominik Grolimund from the Swiss Startup wuala (news) has organized the first TechCrunch meetup in Zurich. I am sorry to say that this event is by invitation only, but you can […]
Continue ReadingWeb 2.0 and Open Source in Startups – A Sun Event
As promised last week this is a short review of the Sun Microsystem’s Event about “Web 2.0 and Open Source in Startups”. First: This event was more for founders and managers than for developers. And you could clearly see this. Most came with a shirt or suite. Neither Mathias, Christian nor me had a t-shirt […]
Continue ReadingWikipedia-Tag in Bern, 29. Sept. 2007
Am nächsten Samstag, den 29. September, findet an der Pädagogischen Hochschule in Bern der Wikipedia-Tag 2007 statt. Er wird organisiert vom Schweizer Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens, Wikimedia CH, und richtet sich an Wissensarbeitende wie SchülerInnen und Studierende, Lehrpersonen und Dozierende, JournalistInnen und BibliothekarInnen. Die Tagung will Einblicke in gemachte Erfahrungen, Arbeitsweisen und Potenziale der […]
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