Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Amazon MP3 now available for Switzerland

Two years after launching Amazon MP3 in the United States and 8 months after launching in Germany, Amazon’s MP3 buying service is now open for Switzerland residents. In between the launch in the US and the Swiss launch a lot has changed in the music download market. iTunes allows to buy unprotected MP3 files. And […]

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Neu: MP3-Downloads

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen heute den Start des MP3-Download-Service bekannt geben zu können. Mit MP3-Downloads steht Kunden in Deutschland ab sofort ein Musik-Download-Service mit innovativen Features zur Verfügung. MP3-Downloads ist vollständig in die Webseite integriert, weshalb Kunden die Webseite zum Einkauf digitaler Musik nicht verlassen müssen. MP3-Downloads Produkt-Highlights: […]

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Legalize Your MP3 Library

We all know its legal to download music and movies from the Internet if you live in Switzerland. But thanks to Amazon and a cheap dollar, you can buy your downloaded mp3 library! Amazon launched their MP3 store. Although its only open to US-American citizens, I was able to buy, download and play a MP3 […]

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