Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Our Woodstock?

Our Woodstock? Originally uploaded by cocaman. I just chatted with Franz Patzig from BarCampCologne and I told him about the planned 5’000 people BarCamp next summer in the US and A. He came up with “this will be our Woodstock”. And I really have to agree. Will this be our Woodstock? Can you miss that […]

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Swiss BarCamp Blog started

After a little brake and recreation time from BarCamp and BarCampZurich, I set up a little blog for the Swiss BarCamp community. I decided to set this up for you and for everybody out there who wants to know more about BarCampSwitzerland or any other un-conferences in Switzerland. A few users are already set up […]

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