The following presentation was just a small idea in my head on a train ride from Zurich to Basel a few days ago. But I think and after talking to a few friends, colleagues and partners I decided to go for it. The following presentation should give every startup a basic idea on how they can contact an American blog like TechCrunch, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb, CenterNetworks or any other blog and pitch them your idea or business. If you follow these tips, your chances are much higher than if you just sent a mass email to all of the blogs.
The slides should be self-explanatory. But if you do not understand something or want to discuss about it, please feel free to send me an email or add your input to the comments below.
You can also view the presentation on my SlideShare account.
And if you have any more tips or ideas, please feel free to share them with us. Maybe we can create a better resource and get more Swiss startups covered on US blogs.
“Communicating with US blogs“ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Switzerland License.
All your base are belong to US.
You can not imagine how important some people think US blogs are. And sure, they really have lots of traffic.