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Google Wave Invitations (30x)

A month after the last invitation wave for Google Wave (humor, hehe) Google has granted 30 more invites. So if you want one, enter you email in the email field below and add a nice comment. Invitations will be sent to your email address asap.

80 thoughts on “Google Wave Invitations (30x)

  1. Pingback: Corsin Camichel
  2. Hallo!
    Ich hätte auch sehr gerne eine Einladung.. als HSR-Student muss ich doch auf dem neusten Stand sein 😉

        1. verschickt hanis, goht vermuetli wieder es momentli.
          aber sobald google wave begriffa hesch, kasch würkli en wavemittag macha. git sicher einige, wo a ifüherig wend 😉

      1. Thanks so much! Sorry for a little cluelessness on this, but what’s the process from here? Should I have received an email from you? From Google? Thanks again!

        1. hi bob
          well, Google should send you an invitation in a couple of days (no idea on a time frame, sorry). All I can do is add your email to a special wave and from there it is out of my hand. But all the people I invited before got their invite within a day or two.

  3. Wave me, if you waving consideration is ok, a googling waved google wave invitation.

    I wave to be very waving grateful, of course!

  4. Hey, I’d really appreciate an invite if you have one to spare.

    Many thanks for your consideration

  5. Hallo, bin irgendwie auf deinen STIS-Artikel gestossen und habe sonst noch ein bisschen weitergelesen… Google Wave würde mich auch noch interessieren, falls die 30 noch nicht aufgebraucht sind. 🙂

  6. Hi, just found your post. It would be awesome if you still had a spare invitation! Many thanks!!

      1. Thanks heaps!!
        I have not received anything in my mailbox though. I know I that I left the right address cos I am receiving updates about this thread, I checked spam too, but nothing. Does it maybe take some time?

  7. Hi there, any chance to have an invitation for a guy form Bulgaria?
    BTW nice blog, useful things 😉

  8. BTW many thanks for the Virtual Terminal tip for Chrome OS virtual machine! Love your blog


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