Rivella, the super awesome drink from Switzerland (no you can not buy it in the US) is having a collect-and-win competition this summer (Summer-Dreams). Some friends and I are collecting letters for weeks, even months. We got a nice Rivella Retro Bag. But for some time we are out of luck and some letters are missing. Now I need your help! If you are a Rivella drinker would you please collect the codes and send it to me? I would really, really appreciate it!
Also let me know if you can use any of my codes.
Dir geht es gleich, wie ein paar Kollegen von mir. (Dort gehen meine Codes auch schon hin). Habe es auch bis jetzt nur zu einer Rivella Retro Bag geschafft… 🙂
Actually, you are wrong. One can buy it in the USA. Even with the Nutritions Facts printed on it! Maybe not at Stop&Shop, but in Little Switzerland in Wisconsin for sure.
Well, I was talking more in general 🙂 You can buy almost everything somewhere. But I like “Little Switzerland” 🙂