What are you doing on October 22nd 2009? Why not camp out in front of an Interdiscount, Media Markt or any other tech store. Why? Well, because a new revolution will be released on that day. Yes! Microsoft’s newest operating System, Windows 7, will be released.
What? You think camping in front of a store for a new product is stupid? So, why did you do it for the iPhone?
Do you think it is fair that for product that only 0.01% of the worlds population is using people should camp out in front of stores? And for a product that is widely used for productivity and not for touching, flipping and screaming about is fair?
Well it’s not like I wanted to get an iPhone immediately when it came out. And I still don’t want one.
In the same way it’s not like I care for Windows 7, I’ll get to see it soon enough. And I most certainly won’t get an install of it for a long time.