Update April 28 2009
It is working again! The cmd
+ mouse click opens in a new tab again. Thanks Google!
Original story ->
For years Google tracked your clicks on the search results page. Just for better results, of course.
And for a few days now I am getting an ugly “improvement”:
The “next page” and “previous page” links are also javascriptified and the URL has changed as well. Philipp from Blogoscoped sees it as well.
The new URL for the SERPs page is now
instead of something like
No big difference here. BUT the problem I have with the new way links are handled is, that link can no longer being opened in a new tab by clicking cmd + left mouse.
Google now calls this by each “mousedown” on the URL title
return rwt(this,”,”,’res’,’1′,’IDENTIFIER1′,’&sig2=IDENTIFIER2′)
function(a,d,e,g,h,f,i,j) { try { if(a===window) { a=window.event.srcElement; while(a) if(a.href) { break; a=a.parentNode } } var b=encodeURIComponent||escape,c=a.href.split("#"),k=["/url?sa=t",d?"&oi="+b(d):"",e?"& cad="+b(e):"","&ct=",b(g||"res"),"&cd=",b(h),"&url=",b(c[0]).replace(/\+/g,"%2B"),"& ei=","ogPvScHgNZOGsAb0yeX2Bg",f?"&usg="+f:"",i,c[1]?"#"+c[1]:""].join(""); a.href=k; a.onmousedown="" } catch(l) { } return true };
I think Google should allow a way to offer opening a link in an new tab with the keyboard again.
I am not giving a Software Engineering comment on this “function(a,d,e,g,h,f,i,j)“. Sure, its faster to transfer an ‘a’-character then a meaningful name…
Thanks for elaborating on this.
I was wondering why the ctrl+LM didn’t work anymore. Seems like they are still distributing the new script, since I’m only experiencing this behavior on some datacenters (I use proxies often).