I’ve got this email in my inbox – my junk folder to be more precise – today.
Notice the counter on the bottom? 987994 people have read this email after 2 and a half hours of sending. Including me.
The counter is hosted at a site called “Right Stats” (www.rightstats.com). It looks like a “real free counter” website. But once you snooped around a little, you get 404 error messages all the time. A whois
query shows that the page is hosted in Pakistan. They seem to offer a special counter version for emails.
Nevertheless, this is pretty new I think to embed a counter in your spam message. I will keep an eye on the counter and try to get access to the stats.
Normalerwiis werdet bild-urls igfuegt (zb mit 1*1px groessi) und irgendwie tagged (any.com/counter.jpg?1213123) damit sie bim request-erhalt inere DB [imgID->emailaddr] tracke choend welli mailadresse wuerkli brucht werdet um dene denn no meh mails z’schicke 😉
Richtig. Aber das ist lustiger. So sieht man, wieviele Menschen die Email tatsächlich gelesen haben – als nicht Spamer!