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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Google ManageStorage – What it is not

Google launched ManageStorage where you can buy up to 250GB for $500/year – not a bad deal. You can use it for Gmail and Picasa Web and someday even with Google Docs & Spreadsheets. Okay, everybody screams now “GDRIVE! GDRIVE“. I say: BULLSHIT! This has (for now) nothing to do with Gdrive (aka Platypus).

And you know why?
There are none of the features we have seen in the Platypus client. No way to synchronize your files to your computer. No way to store your own files.

ManageStorage is just a way to increase the space for Gmail, Picasa Web and Docs. Just a way to earn some bucks for Google.

3 thoughts on “Google ManageStorage – What it is not

  1. True. But it’s a start. As you mention, they’re going to be adding Google Docs and Spreadsheets to it soon, and that will be a way to also save more file types. I think it’s only a matter of time before they open it up for other files too.

    Don’t forget that Platypus was an internal program. Even though they call that GDrive internally, the public release may be a very, very different incarnation…

  2. Well, if they don’t offer any software for my local PC to store my files I am going to use my 340GB (for 6€/Month, 72€/year) and hack a tool to upload my files to that server.
    And maybe use some Directory Listing for showing the files online.

  3. Maybe you will be able to buy space for Platypus. i hope you get some gigs for free…

    corsin: servage, webdrive and mod_autoindex?

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