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Twitter Tool: SBB Train Information System (STIS)

Please also read follow ups to this post with the tag “stis”.
More stations available: STIS Update and News from October 31st 2009

Photo BY-NC-SA swisscan

I always wanted to create a little (maybe even useful) Twitter tool with their API. I finally managed to create it and I named it “SBB Train Information System” or STIS for short. It is more like a proof of concept and it can be shut down by anybody anytime. I do not have any rights or permissions to use the SBB train data, but I hope they will never see it or if they see it, like it ;-).

What is this for, you might ask. Basically it checks the SBB website for any train delays in one of these stations: Basel, Chur, Jona, Rapperswil and Zurich. Then it will post delays or additional information (cancellation, delay time and so on) to Twitter. From there you can “follow” any of the stations and forward those updates to your mobile phone or Instant Messenger client. Now you always know if any train from a station is delayed.
It is not yet perfect, but I keep improving it and I am also looking for ideas or feedback. Please leave a comment or drop me an email if you have an idea or opinion.

Twitter Feeds:

SBB Basel SBB Chur SBB Jona SBB Rapperswil SBB Zürich

12 thoughts on “Twitter Tool: SBB Train Information System (STIS)

  1. Hi,

    Impressive! I’m looking for such a feed for some time now for my site I have some data now from sbb, but this looks interesting as well. How do you do it? Could you get in contact with me?


  2. @Andreas
    Thanks 🙂 You might be surprises how many geeks are in Graubünden

    Yes, I screen-scrape a special page on and generate a xml. Should I write about the technical background?

  3. @Corsin

    No, not necessary 🙂 You could also make it available as a plain RSS feed (I noticed that there is an Atom feed on twitter, though, so that’s not an absolute must).

  4. Deine Links sind ein bisschen verwirrend. Du schreibst von Stationen, die Links führen aber zu Städteartikeln bei Wikipedia. Ich hätte da eigentlich die entsprechenden Twitter-Feeds erwartet.

  5. Pingback: Corsin Camichel
  6. Ich schätze sehr, dass der Dienst wieder läuft! Herzliche Bahnfahrergrüsse

    1. Hallo Moni
      Besten Dank für das Feedback. Ich werde wohl in den nächsten Tagen ein wenig an einer verbesserten Version arbeiten.

  7. Pingback: Corsin Camichel

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