Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Whats New?

Quiet a lot, I think. I moved to Rapperswil, got ready for school and renamed my blog.

I’ve decided to rename blog, because I am no longer living “on top of the Alps” (the old title was “Geekness – with fresh and clean air“). I am going to keep the “Geekness” part and append “closer to the world”. Why? Because thats where I am located now on weekdays. Weekends are still on top of the Alps. And for that purpose I’ve created some new header photos. They are not perfect yet, but for the first ones they aren’t that bad. Check out my Rapperswil Set on Flickr.

What else is new? Well, next week school starts again. First days is going to be an introduction day. Where you can find what, how to use the library and so on. Can’t wait to start ;-).

Before all of that I created something I call “The Cocaverse”. This is a simple PHP/HTML/JS hack that shows you all my things I do online. From this blog, to my Twitter account to my Flickr images and bookmarks can be found at I know the design isn’t great or beautiful, but the site should be usefull, not winning an award for its design (and I am not a designer ;-)).

So long and thanks for all the fish.

PS: My car keeps the “GR” license plate, you never know if you gonna need it πŸ˜‰

5 thoughts on “Whats New?

  1. The Cocaverse is great. I was thinking about doing the same but inside wordpress.

    What about putting the links to the services on the titles of your services ? I wanted to go to your twitter page but had to go to one of your twitts before reaching your twitter acount…

  2. Thanks lejoe

    Yeah, I have some feeds on the left bar as well, but they don’t look that cool and are not as ideal as I want it.

    I think about linking to the services itself. But you have found my on twitter πŸ™‚

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