Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Legalize Your MP3 Library

We all know its legal to download music and movies from the Internet if you live in Switzerland. But thanks to Amazon and a cheap dollar, you can buy your downloaded mp3 library! Amazon launched their MP3 store. Although its only open to US-American citizens, I was able to buy, download and play a MP3 […]

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Wikipedia-Tag in Bern, 29. Sept. 2007

Am nächsten Samstag, den 29. September, findet an der Pädagogischen Hochschule in Bern der Wikipedia-Tag 2007 statt. Er wird organisiert vom Schweizer Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens, Wikimedia CH, und richtet sich an Wissensarbeitende wie SchülerInnen und Studierende, Lehrpersonen und Dozierende, JournalistInnen und BibliothekarInnen. Die Tagung will Einblicke in gemachte Erfahrungen, Arbeitsweisen und Potenziale der […]

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Swiss Tech Events – RSS Feed

Over the weekend I put together a little script to display some important or interesting IT and tech events in Switzerland. And as a little extra I have an RSS feed and some Microformats with it. You can use that list for yourself, include it to your sidebar or do whatever you want. And if […]

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Techcrunch40 – And The Xobni To Launch

You have maybe heard it, in San Francisco the TechCrunch40 is on. I have to say I don’t know a lot of these Startups and companies that are presenting. But luckily my friend Allen Stern from is in San Francisco and reporting live. You really should read his posts if you are interested in […]

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It Happened: SCO Goes Blank

Three and a half years after the start of the fight for the UNIX rights SCO today announced their bankruptcy. The official press release can be found on their website and I allowed myself to reprint some parts: The SCO Group Files Chapter 11 to Protect Assets as It Addresses Potential Financial and Legal Challenges […]

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