Go watch it! It is worth your (5|7|10|12) (EUR|USD|CHF)! I can’t describe how much fun I had tonight while watching this great movie. It is similar to all the episode, but very different. Its 90 minutes long (= 3 episodes) The style and design of the characters is great and very lovely The story is […]
Continue ReadingCalling All Simpsons Fans
Today is the day (sorry North America, you have to wait one more day :-p) The Simpsons Movie starts! To celebrate this a little I changed the design of my blog to yellow and added a Homer on the right. And here is the special thing for all the fans. You can have that Homer […]
Continue ReadingDude, Could You Spare Me Some Money? Facebook Is Accepting Offers
Facebook would consider $10bn offer but says float is not on the agenda This is the headline on todays Times Issue. Lets do the Math: 10’000’000’000 for 52’000’000 users equals 192.31$/user. Okay, sounds not to bad for a highly targetted database with all my information. Hey you, yes you Facebook user. If they sell, demand […]
Continue ReadingNo Reason To Switch To Windows Vista – Here Is Why
Cnet.com reports that Microsoft plans to ship the next Windows Operating System within three years – 2010 that is. The features for now: Consumer and Business versions (again 7 different ones?) 32-bit and 64-bit versions Subscription based model – Saas/ASP I really, really hope until 2010 I have switched to Linux or MacOS on my […]
Continue ReadingServices/Software/Tools I Am No Longer Using
Not using anymore ICQ (www.icq.com): For weeks I am not able to log in in my account – 45612103 – and the password reset function sucks. So if you have me on your ICQ list and still want to stay in contact with me, send me an email or add me on Jabber (both cocaman@.gmail.com) […]
Continue Reading$ Valid E-Mail Addresses For Sale! Cheap! $
In the past few days I got some newsletters that showed all recipients in the “To:”-field. I am not talking about some newsletter for the newest pan or such things. I talk about highly targeted newsletters. The last one was for golfers and golf interested persons. I am now able to sell you 440 (in […]
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