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Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Webtuesday – Finding Order in Execution (Video)

Lukas Smith held a speech last Tuesday at this months Webtuesday about SQL Tuning in MySQL, PostgreSQL and in general. You can now find the video in its full length (1 hour and 13 minutes) online at Google Video or directly below as embedded video.

If you are interested in the WMV video leave a message and I’ll send you the link to the download.

That 5 table join is taking 30 seconds and you do not know why? EXPLAIN is the tool of choice to getting to the bottom if your performance issues. As part of this talk we will go through the necessary jargon, algorithms and tricks to optimize SQL queries. Particular focus will be put on finding the optimal execution plan order and how to get the database to follow this optimal order. The information provided will be useful to users of any database, but MySQL and PostgreSQL will be used as examples.

One thought on “Webtuesday – Finding Order in Execution (Video)

  1. Many thanks – sound is great considering – you had the mic down at your end right?

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