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Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars – Demo Mirror


Since a few days the demo for the new Command & Conquer Game is out. But all mirrors are full and on their limits. So I decided to upload the 1.2 GB demo to my server for you to download. The file CnC3_Demo.exe can be found on my download server at this address: down
Feel free to share this link with anyone you like. I hope this helps you to play another great Command and Conquer game.

Images courtesy of EA Games

2 thoughts on “Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars – Demo Mirror

  1. Cool, danke! Ward morgen in der Schule gleich versuchen das zu saugen!

    PS: Hasst du eine Idee wie ich SupremeCommander mit ~64MB GrafikSpeicher zu laufen bekomm? Solang mein PC noch net da is…

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