Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Webtuesday – OpenID – Distributed Authentication – The Video

Webtuesday : OpenID
Last Tuesday, January 9th I was at my first Webtuesday event at the offices.
Topic: OpenID – Distributed Authentication. The presentation explained what OpenID is, how to use it and a little insights how and are going to use it in the future (good decision, that is the only way to support new technologies, by using them).
Harry invited me to come and asked if I could bring my digital-camera/equipment with me 🙂 I did that, recorded the session Cédric gave that evening and I am now finally done with encoding, uploading, verifying, re-encoding, re-uploading and so on. The third upload to Google Video finally worked (with my connection it takes around 7 hours to upload a video to Google’s service, don’t ask me why). And today I am proud to share the video with you.

Google Video:

And if you do not like the Flash Version of the video, you can download the AVI file with Xvid encoding from my download server (don’t panic, it is on a fast connection :-)):

The slides for the presentation are on Cédric’s website:

I like the webtuesday kind of discussion/presenting/socializing very much and if I had more time I would try to make something like this around here. So if anybody has a desire to do so (*wink* Peter, Alexander, deep, SO-NewMedia, Clickwerk …) I volunteer and record it 🙂

Any comments are very welcome, either here, on, the Google Video page or by email.

And I hope to see you at the next webtuesday.

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