Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

The new Yahoo! And what’s with .ch?

Around the “world”, formely known as the blogosphere, bloggers are talking about the new launch of Yahoo! for today (I can’t see anything on .com or .ca. Well, .de and .fr are updated, as well as .it and .es. But what the heck is going on with ? Aren’t we good enough for you, […]

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14. Juli 2006 Laax, GR – Benzin- und Dieselpreise steigen immer weiter. Und alle fragen sich, wie kann man sparen. Die einfachste Möglichkeit ist natürlich, das Auto oder das Motorrad nicht zu benutzen. Aber das geht leider nicht immer. Deshalb gilt, tanken wo es am billigsten ist. Und wie findet man die billigste Tankstelle? Seit […]

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More Platypus / Google Drive information

Wow! What a big run on that story. All over the Internet people are reporting about it, digging there selves and discussing. Over at Google Blogoscoped, Philipp just emailed Justin Rosenstein (his email address was ‘hidden’ inside the HTML code) and has to say this: I think I just got a confirmation… I emailed Justin […]

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