Geekness – closer to the world

Geeky at the Lake of Zurich

Microsoft Office 2007 Beta 2 – Online

Okay, I got a change to participate at the 10-15minutes online beta test for Office 2007. Yes, once you waited 2 – 3 hours, you can click around for 10 to 15 minutes. Sure, you can reconnect, but the funny part is, two minutes before you get disconnected, a window tells you to save all your data. Great, you can not save and print your documents in this beta.

One big surprise: The system is based on Citrix Metaframe. You need an ActiveX plugin for the beta (and for sure for the final) so all non Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (and higher) browsers can not use it (still no Microsoft Office for Linux).

In my first session, I had a change to create some screenshots for you. Hope you like them.

My notes:
Nice try Microsoft. The Citrix part is not new (neither was AJAX), but Office really should work on all platforms, not only Windows (you still sell a license, right?). And I really hope they sell a set up server, without a special Citrix kernel.

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