I did it. I got a bigger server, more space and I uploaded all my galleries again.
The new gallery (located at gallery.cocaman.net) has over 800 pictures online and uses over 1GB of space.
Now the problem is, how to tell Yahoo! and Google that my gallery is now on gallery.cocaman.net and not on cocaman.ch/linpha. I put up a .htaccess redirect, maybe that helps.
BTW: If you want to know what hoster I use now: servage.net. They give you 75 GB of space (if you register with this code “cocaman“, you get an extra 2.5 5GB, just because you know me 🙂 for €7.50/month, 1000 MySQL databases, unlimited mailboxes and much more. And if you pay for one year, you get 2 more months for free. So 14 for 12 🙂