Okay, Writely accepts new users, no big deal here. And because I am a very interested person, I wanted to know on which system (programming language) it now runs. So I started to append index.jsp, index.py and so on at the URL. But when I entered index.html this page showed up:
Isn’t that great? Google really IS testing GDrive, and the features look great:
# Backup. If you lose your computer, grab a new one and reinstall Platypus. Your files will be on your new machine in minutes.
# Sync. Keep all your machines synchronized, even if they run different operating systems.
# VPN-less access. Not at a Google computer? View your files on the web at http://troutboard.com/p.
# Collaborate. Create shared spaces to which multiple Googlers can write.
# Disconnected access. On the plane? VPN broken? All your files are still accessible.
Can’t wait to see the blogosphere catch up on that!
cool… wenns denn stimmt …dannkann ich ja meine backupfestplatte fortschmeissen.
Wow, this looks intresting.
“Sync emails accross multiple operating systems”.
nice work!!!
Is writely really accepting people? I get the message:
We have closed off new registrations until we move Writely to Google’s systems.
Das sieht mir aber gewaltig nach Bullshit aus.
Can’t wait to see what happens when the men in suits with the litte ident wallets descend to ave a rummage through the stored files. Then again there is always GNUPG.
Unfortunately, the images are lost. So I “tried” to add some images to the page, the Google style. Check it here: http://www.free-ftp.org/lieuwe/platypus/
Best viewed with Firefox (ofcourse)
Very nice!
I just tried it, and it is now http://www.writely.com/BasePage.aspx so .NET, interesting language choice for a google company…
Regarding Backup comment above “Your files will be on your new machine in minutes.” Not true. I have about 60GB of data on my PC which is not unusual. The upload speed of my DSL is about 340kbps and download is about 1,400kbps. I have used both Connected and Carbonite I get about 2GB a day upload and 7-8GB restore in both cases. This “minutes” stuff is either Google marketing hype or some indication that there is no way I could store 60GB on Platypus in any event. There is no way to back up more than a couple GBs a day unless you have access to some kind of higher speed Internet link.
Why would this be different from xdrive or any other similar system? The only answer that makes sense and fits Google-think is searchability. What other advantages could there be?
Very good news!
Thank you very very much! You made my life so much easier!
Thank you very much
Google rules, thank you very much for your tips. Bye
Hello, my name is Alex, i’m a newbie here. I really do like your resource and really interested in things you discuss here, also would like to enter your community, hope it is possible:-) Cya around, best regards, Alex!
GDrive is something very interesting i really cant wait until its published
Yeah, as if I could trust, that somebody won’t check my files.. No way.
very nice. Hopely it comes soon. About a year newspaper are writing about it.